Success Story: Fontys Engineering Meet & Match​

A job event of the future!

MeetMatch app for events has helped Fontys create a groundbreaking job event. Fontys university is one of the largest Universities of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands. They offer undergraduate, postgraduate and exchange programmes in a variety of fields and are considered one of the best options for anyone who is interested in technology, entrepreneurship and creativity.
app for events


Job fair

For this project, we worked with Fontys Engineering and Fontys Venlo on a job fair solution. Using the MeetMatch app for events and matchmaking capabilities, we were able to connect Engineering students with their potential future employers or internship companies.

Job fairs


Company onboarding

When companies register, they can select how many speed networking tables they would like to use (and pay for them). For each company, there is 1 contact person who sets up the company profile and lists additional table coordinators.

Company onboarding
Student onboarding

Onboarding for students

Student data was imported into the MeetMatch app for events and students then received an invitation to set up their profiles. Immediately after, they were presented with a full overview of company profiles. Here they could view company profiles that were matched specifically for them and could further explore them to see if they could be of interest to them.

Event format

A highly interactive online job fair between the students of Fontys university and companies looking to hire these young minds. Using our app for events scheduling algorithm participants were automatically connected to their 13-speed date meetings. This is what we like to call our zero-click policy. Breaks were also included.

In case certain companies were very popular, we asked those to allocate extra representatives and/or we matched students in group meetings to attend company presentations. Those group presentations are automatically scheduled to take twice as long as the 1-on-1 meetings.

Company representatives can indicate upfront when they are available. Companies can automatically indicate multiple representatives per meeting, without any extra overhead.

Matchmaking and auto scheduling

App for events - matchmaking and auto-scheduling

Using our app for events auto-planned scheduling format and our AI capabilities, all 1526 meetings were scheduled within 2 minutes. Meetings could still be fine-tuned if needed. The MeetMatch algorithm used the meeting request selection of the students and then proposed some additional interesting company matches.

Meeting capabilities

Screen share, video share & chat.

Smart match app meeting capabilities


Line graph Fontys

Amount of meetings on the event day

Total number of meeting encounters (2 persons meeting each other in a meeting= 1 meeting encounter)

Turn up
895/960 participants from which 675 students and 230 Company contacts.

Fontys students
Made 7585 meeting requests


MeetMatch is the clear leader in this space of job-matching events. We keep innovating to deliver the best event ROI and engagement for this type of event.

Some highlights of this event:

  • Events are all about engagement and bringing the right people together. With MeetMatch’s app for events, we generated a record-breaking 19545 encounters!
  • All participants have an extensive profile including CV, demonstration video’s, … Our AI automatically matches based on that. Still, participants can freely select who they meet.

  • By having an up-front view on participation, you can still optimise the set-up by adding company representatives, group sessions, … just before the event, all automatically!

Other success stories

MeetMatch employee - Frederik

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